17 Best Anti-inflammatory Plants (You Pass Them Every Day)


17 Best Anti-inflammatory Plants (You Pass Them Every Day)

Herbs and some fruits have numerous analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes them reduce pain and facilitate movement. Some plants not only provide temporary relief, but are recommended for people with various joint problems (e.g. RA) because in many studies it has been proven that they reduce joint cartilage damage, reduce joint stiffness, etc.

Below is a list of the 17 best herbs, plants and fruits for joints. We have described here their use, specific tips and other interesting facts that may be helpful to you.

It is not recommended to use any of the plants listed here during breastfeeding, children or pregnant women


1. Arnica

A common ingredient in traditional ointments, as well as tinctures for joints and rheumatic pains, is a plant associated with the mountains - arnica. Arnica has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use arnica

The whole plant is poisonous, so the tincture can only be used externally - by lubricating the joints affected by pain with the tincture. Arnica tincture is prepared by pouring 0.5 l of spirit on a handful of flowers of this plant, and then leaving it for two weeks. Effectively warms, reduces swelling and fights inflammation.

Occurrence and collection period

Arnica is a photophilous plant, but tolerates periodic shading. In the mountains, it grows in herbaceous plants in meadows, in grasslands, on the edges of forests and in mid-forest clearings. The plant blooms in the period: June - August.

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2. Lavender

Characteristic due to its color, lavender is used very often in the cosmetics and perfumery industry. However, it should be remembered that in addition to aesthetic values, it also has features that positively affect our body.

One of the most important is the analgesic effect, which can be used in the form of an oil or cream. Lavender as one of the ingredients allows you to relax and relieve muscle tension, soothes pain in bones and joints, and supports the fight against rheumatism.


Lavender comes from the Mediterranean area, in the climate of northern and central Europe, we rarely find wild lavender. It is often grown in home gardens or in public spaces. In the video below you can see how to plant and care for lavender so that it blooms beautifully.

How to make lavender oil

Lavender oil is used externally on the skin. It has extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties, and in addition, antibacterial, antifungal and works great on the skin. How to make such an oil at home?

Collect and dry the lavender

A glass of dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of hot water (not boiling water)

Strain the flowers after they have cooled down

Store the oil in the refrigerator.

Remember that lavender oil has an intense effect and frequent use can cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is good to dilute it by adding it to a tonic or cream.

What additional properties does lavender have?

lavender properties copy

3. Rosemary

Another plant that is often used in Polish cuisine, also having a positive effect on the joints, is the popular rosemary. It has anti-rheumatic properties, as well as strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The high content of rosemary also supports the reconstruction of joints and fights muscle soreness.

How to use rosemary for joints

For rheumatic problems it is best to use rosemary infusion externally. To make it, just pour a liter of hot water into five tablespoons of dried rosemary and add three tablespoons of sea salt and a few drops of peppermint oil. You can use the infusion to soak your feet, or rub it directly into the sore spots.

4. Aloe

A real treasury of substances valuable for health is aloe vera, or rather its leaves. Due to its health properties, it is a plant used both internally and externally, but aloe vera gel is the most popular - rich in many excipients, supporting health, and above all having analgesic properties, thanks to which it is great for relieving pain associated with with joints.

How to use aloe vera

It is enough to cut an Aloe leaf and lubricate the places with gel from the inside. 

5. Creeping Wintergreen

Creeping wintergreen

Wintergreen is a relatively unknown plant, which nevertheless has a very wide spectrum of health-promoting properties. The plant belongs to the heather family and is especially valued for its leaves, which have a strong analgesic effect - studies have shown that they contain a substance similar to aspirin.

In addition, wintergreen leaves also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. They are used for inflammation and pain.

How to use Golteria - leaf infusion

Wintergreen creeping can be collected from spring to late late autumn. Wintergreen is used externally on sore spots. To prepare an infusion of wintergreen leaves, pour 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves into a glass of boiling water. Use in small amounts up to 2 times a day.

Wintergreen oil is easily absorbed through the skin, so it should be applied topically in small amounts.


6. Meadowsweet

Meadowsweet is a characteristically white plant that perfectly supports the condition of joints and muscles, is also effective in cleansing the body and helps in obtaining natural immunity.

The place where the meadowsweet occurs

Meadowsweet grows best in fertile soils in a semi-shady and moist position. It will grow in the sun only if the soil is sufficiently moist. Meadowsweet flowers are best collected from June to mid-August.

How to use

It is best to prepare an infusion to drink from meadowsweet. It is enough to pour a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water and brew under cover for at least 15 minutes. The whole glass should be divided into 3 servings per day.


Meadowsweet should not be used by people allergic to salicylates, children, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. In addition, people who take anticoagulants, because meadowsweet will intensify their effect too much.

mud meadowsweet trivia infographic

7. Echinacea herb

Echinacea herb is also often used for joints. It has very strong anti-inflammatory, protective, regenerating and healing properties. It is recommended for people who suffer from arthritis, it is also worth mentioning that it has an anti-aging effect, helps in cell regeneration and collagen synthesis.

The herb can be used both in the form of an ointment, applied directly to the skin, and infusion.

How to make an infusion of echinacea for joints

To create the infusion, dry and crushed echinacea root should be used. Pour it with 200 ml of hot water. After this time, just strain the solution. The infusion should not be drunk more than 2 times a day.

Echinacea herb contraindications

Who should avoid using echinacea? People suffering from:

multiple sclerosis,

liver diseases,


bone marrow diseases

hypersensitivity to herbs such as arnica, dandelion, yarrow, people with tuberculosis, liver diseases and leukemia.

8. Rosehip

In case of problems with the joints, it is worth taking an interest in the fruit of the wild rose. Research by scientists has proven that it contains the substance GOPO, which fights inflammation in the body, as indicated by low levels of CRP in the blood. CRP is an inflammation-indicating protein that gradually rises during infection. GOPO can also slow the flow of leukocytes into inflamed tissue, which will stop possible tissue damage and pain for a while.

How to make rosehip tea

Rose hips are harvested in the summer: August - September. After washing them thoroughly, cut them in half and hollow out the middle. Rosehip pulp is inedible and can cause poisoning. Dried halves are enough to pour hot water (do not pour boiling water). Medium-sized fruits have the strongest aroma. You can also buy rosehip tea in stores.

Contraindications wild rose

Rosehip should not be used by people struggling with the following problems:


kidney stones

iron disorders

a history of heart attack or blood pressure problems


blood clots

9. Pineapple

Pineapple contains an amazing anti-inflammatory ingredient called Bromelain. With inflammatory problems, it blocks the inflammatory process, while in a healthy body it supports the immune system. According to one study in the journal Phytomedicine, bromelain reduces morning stiffness in joints in people with RA.

Contraindications to eating pineapple


gastric and duodenal ulcers

10. Grapes

Grape skins contain the compound resveratrol. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and, used in RA, reduces damage to joint cartilage and joint swelling. Resveratrol can also be found in smaller amounts in:






11. Green tea

When green tea is brewed, a compound called epigallocatechin gallate is released into the water, which inhibits inflammatory factors (prostaglandins) and may reduce damage to joint tissues. That is why green tea is highly recommended for joint problems.

How to brew green tea so that it has anti-inflammatory properties

The positive compound described above is released when green tea is brewed for 10-15 minutes at 80°C. We can brew this tea twice and each time a similar high amount of anti-inflammatory compounds will be released into the water.

Green tea contraindications

the use of drugs for high blood pressure - green tea may weaken their effect

anemia – drinking green tea causes washing out of iron,

osteoporosis – green tea leaches calcium from the bones.

12. Ginger

Ginger - we often reach for it in the winter, when we have a cold, but few people know that it also has amazing joint-supporting properties. Ginger reduces inflammation without causing side effects.

It is best to use it in the form of tea, which can be drunk even every day, or add fresh or powdered ginger to dishes.

13. Turmeric

Turmeric in natural medicine and herbal medicine is considered a specific medicine for many ailments and diseases, due to the multitude of its properties. Numerous scientific publications indicate that turmeric has, among others: strong anti-inflammatory properties, contributes to maintaining good condition of muscles and joints, strengthens the body's immunity, prevents loss of bone and joint density, and improves the functioning of natural defense mechanisms. Additionally, curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use turmeric?

As a seasoning, it will be great in most meats, fish, salads, rice and other dinner dishes. It is not recommended to use more turmeric than the standard amount added as a spice (1/4 teaspoon).

14. Garlic

In the case of problems with the joints, it is also worth reaching for garlic - it acts as a strong agent that eliminates pain and inflammation, thanks to which it allows you to improve the condition of the joints and the entire skeletal system, as well as the general condition of the body.

Researchers from King's College London and the University of East Anglia conducted an experiment that showed that women eating a diet rich in, among others, in garlic, they are much less likely to suffer from osteoarthritis.

15. Bay leaf

Bay leaf - one of the most popular spices used in the kitchens of thousands of Poles. In herbal medicine, laurel is known as a cleansing agent, supporting immunity, as well as strengthening joints and bones.

How best to use bay leaf?

There are many possibilities - internally in the form of teas and infusions, as well as externally, as a decoction or cream, rubbing it into specific places (bones and joints of the hands, legs, wrists, back).

16. Incense

Another plant worth mentioning because of its properties is frankincense. This plant, used regularly, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and calming effects.

Scientific research shows that the boswellic acids contained in the frankincense extract, which constitute almost one third of the pure, natural resin, are responsible for this. For this reason, it is recommended especially to people suffering from problems with the joints, skeletal system, or pain caused by inflammation.

17. Pine needles

Pine tree is a rich source of valuable ingredients, such as mineral salts, essential oils and flavonoids.

The most valuable part of the tree are pine needles, from which infusions, oils and creams are made. The ingredients contained in pine needles have a strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant and antispasmodic effect, thanks to which they are helpful in rheumatism, neuralgia, and help fight fatigue and fatigue.

When to collect pine needles

Pine needles can be harvested all year round, also in winter.

When collecting wild pine, pay attention to the pine environment so that it is not polluted (e.g. next to a road)

How to make a decoction of pine needles

Grind the needles (in a mortar or other method)

Pour ½ liter of water. We put on the fire and bring to a boil

Leave covered for 2 hours.

Strain the decoction


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